Tuesday 31 August 2010

Innovation & Inspiration

Recently I've been playing in a Exotica/Lounge music act called Narco Lounge Combo. It really suits my playing as I like to play wth brushes and mallets but also because I have to compliment and enhance the already programmed percussion by NLC supremo Mr. Thomas. Oh and I love that kind of music too, Anyway get to the point Paradise, so I was looking at a way of adding more percussion whilst still playing grooves when I stumbled upon Billy Ward's Stickball

it's great fun but kinda hard to play drums with, cymbals are fine though. The Stick-Jingle is easier to play as it's lighter. They're not cheap though but at least with Rhythm Tech you know they're going to be good quality. Great for grooves daddio, greta for grooves.

Captain Sir Richard of Paradise